Embankment Galleries South Wing
25 Jan – 14 Apr 2024

55 x 32 x 15cm

萨默塞特宫于 2024 年 1 月开幕,推出CUTE,这是一个重要的新地标展览,探索当代文化中可爱的不可抗拒的力量。从表情符号到互联网迷因,从视频游戏到毛绒玩具,从食物到可爱的机器人设计,可爱已经占领了我们的世界。但是,如此迷人且看似无害的东西——可爱的母鹿眼睛的动物、胖乎乎的婴儿、鲜花、心形、星星、糖果和其他浪漫的图案——是如何获得如此大的吸引力的呢?
该展览与三丽鸥合作举办,还将庆祝最具标志性和无处不在的可爱人物之一 Hello Kitty 诞生 50 周年,其中包括专用的毛绒玩具空间、沉浸式迪斯科和数十年来 Hello Kitty 产品的展示,包括稀有和独特的物品。
迄今为止宣布的特约艺术家包括AYA TAKANO、Mike Kelley、Karen Kilimnik、Nayland Blake、Cosima von Bonin、Hannah Diamond、Ed Fornieles、Juliana Huxtable、Rachel Maclean、Julien Ceccaldi、Paige KB、Isaac Lythgoe、Alake Shilling、Wong Ping、Liv Preston、Ram Han、Maggie Lee、Bunny Rogers、Andy Holden以及 Somerset House Studios 艺术家Chriszhongtian Yuan和Sian Fan。
《Hysonic》看到后互联网时代的可爱呈现出最丰富的形式。在当今全球互联、超资本主义的世界中,可爱已经变得加速、最大化、超级光鲜亮丽和未来主义。本部分将展出Super Nhozagri Kingdom、Xiuching Tsay 和MSCHF等艺术家和设计师的作品,这些作品反映了这种闪亮的新自信,并指出可爱的根本潜力,可以帮助我们找到人类的新方式。
Hypersonic sees post-internet cuteness take on its most exuberant form. In today’s globally connected, hyper-capitalistic world, cuteness has become accelerated, maximalist, super glossy and futuristic. This section will feature works from artists and designers such as Super Nhozagri Kingdom, Xiuching Tsay and MSCHF which reflect this shiny new confidence and point towards cuteness’ radical potential to help us find new ways of being human.
Step Inside, Think Outside 作为文化创新者的家园,萨默塞特宫是一个发源地,其文化项目为我们这个时代的重大问题提供了不同的视角。我们是一个充满欢乐和发现的地方,每个人都被邀请走进去,走出去思考。
As the home of cultural innovators, Somerset House is a site of origination, with a cultural programme offering alternative perspectives on the biggest issues of our time. We are a place of joy and discovery, where everyone is invited to Step Inside and Think Outside.
From our historic site in the heart of London, we work globally across art, creativity, business, and non-profit, nurturing new talent, methods and technologies. Our resident community of creative enterprises, arts organisations, artists and makers, makes us a centre of ideas, with most of our programme home-grown.
We sit at the meeting point of artistic and social innovation, bringing worlds and minds together to create surprising and often magical results. Our spirit of constant curiosity and counter perspective is integral to our history and key to our future.