Nhozagri perceives and records the forms and moments of each crystalline chaos of union, and the process of creation follows the natural extension of her body’s energy. She regards the outcome of her painting as a harvest, leaving no gap between Nhozagri and her painting practice. Her artistic practice revolves around the “traces” of her soul left behind after the act of harvesting. It is not the process or the result that holds significance, but the “transformation” of the “Creator” and the creature in re-creation and re-reading. Nhozagri relocates the Record Hall to ART SHENZHEN’s site, inviting visitors to read every “existence” ,and to record the present, the past, the future, the momentary, the long-lasting, the visible, the invisible, the flowing, the stranded, and the “records” themselves.

收集爱的灵魂碎片 Pick up the soul fragment of love, 52×62cm
布面丙烯,树脂 Acrylic on canvas, resin, 2022

极性 Polarity, 188×222cm
布面丙烯,色粉,树脂,油 Acrylic on canvas, toner, resin, oil, 2023

一十 One ten, 111×133cm
布面丙烯,树脂 Acrylic on canvas, resin, 2023

老资格的震动 Seniority of Vibration, 185×105cm
布面丙烯,色粉,树脂,油 Acrylic on canvas, toner, resin, oil, 2023

祖先 Ancestor, 111×176cm
布面丙烯,色粉,树脂,油 Acrylic on canvas, toner, resin, oil, 2023

忧伤的兄弟姐妹(祈请) Brothers and sisters of sorrow (Pray),
布面丙烯,色粉,树脂,油 Acrylic on canvas, toner, resin, oil, 2023

音果子 Because of, 130×150cm
布面丙烯,树脂 Acrylic on canvas, resin, 2023

口’ C’, 111×222cm
布面丙烯,色粉,树脂,油 Acrylic on canvas, toner, resin, oil, 2023

调音 Turning, 110×120cm
布面丙烯,色粉,树脂,油 Acrylic on canvas, toner, resin, oil, 2023

生命能 Vital Energy, 150×130cm
布面丙烯,色粉,树脂,油 Acrylic on canvas, toner, resin, oil, 2023

星体投射 Astral Projection, 111×222cm
布面丙烯,色粉,树脂,油 Acrylic on canvas, toner, resin, oil, 2023

记录大厅 Record Hall, 130×150cm
布面丙烯,色粉,树脂,油 Acrylics on canvas, toner, resin, oil, 2023